In conclusion, humans are still the dominant life form even if some androids become smarter than some humans. Empathy, the ability to feel and feel the same way as others will always be unique to living creatures. Then again it points out that it's not about how smart a creature is, but on how human it/he/she is.
Lesson learned: Intellect is not everything. There's more to this world and that is life. What profit is it for us when we gain the world but don't have/lose the soul? The lesson learned is very similar to the old Little Mermaid story (with the wind maidens at the end of the story).
[But it still differs because Rick Deckard the protagonist is human. Were the story told from the point-of-vie of androids, then that would be something. However the androids in the story and not capable of contemplating and feeling emotions.]
**photo from http://www.coverbrowser.com/covers/philip-k-dick/13**
By the end of the story I didn't know what happened to the dead cat and if its owner recognized the new one as a fake. And I wonder what happens to J. R. Isidore the chickenhead -I find his character too interesting. What happened to the other bounty hunter Phil Resch? And how's his squirrel? When will I have my own electric sheep and when will Google come up with a Nexus 6? lol
I still have questions unanswered after reading the book. Which is ok. I love wondering about what happens next.
Will post a decent review at SCRATCHPOST. Next book: Perfume.
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