Wednesday, April 28, 2010

artsy artsy

When mom and dad came home I was surprised to see paintings. Yes, mom bought paintings. A couple of moths ago it was a TV, then an organ, then cabinets, another cabinet, and now speakers and paintings. Mom could really be a surprise. Being an Ilokana (and a CPA, to add) she monitors her expenditures. I once saw her doing a ledger of the family budget. O.O But oh my, how she goes on buying all sorts of stuff when she thinks it's a bargain.

I told her she could just give the paintings to our tito (her brother) in the States. He's an abstract artist himself so mom simply said her has his own paintings. Talents just didn't manage to be passed on to me, sadly.

This painting now hangs in my room.

This big painting, I do not know where they'll put. :| It's such a shame because I think it's beautiful. I don't want it lost in some clutter somewhere in our house.

This painting is named "Best friends." It even has some mark at the back indicating the art gallery it was displayed in.

Mom said this one's from Africa. Yes I thought of that too.

Painting is the popular fine art. I honestly don't appreciate paintings and sculptures if I look at them from afar. But I can get into paintings once I take a closer look. Needless to say, digital form of paintings is nonsense since I find the texture of the a painting very important, more than the overall "look" of it.

Anyway as I was browsing through Meme, I found this and of course reported it. Originally from @leandronunes, it was a laugh.

the old in old school

Surprise, surprise. This I found last night at our friends' grad party. They were playing Carpenters songs and to our surprise, we saw the music came from an old school player. The giant CD was turning round and round.

CD owned by the Pinzons.

Now I have a picture with the Carpenters. How sweet is that?

Congratulations to Ate Tatika Catipay and Kuya Jefty David! 9Yes it's their grad party.) And I'm attempting to enumerate my friends who are now UP Alumna, batch 2010, lest I forget even a single one. :) But you know who you are. *winks*

I'm getting old. Senior. Eeew. Next year it'll be us graduating and taking our pictures with Oble. But for now, let's just look ahead for a great school year as a senior (and rubbing it off on friends who just graduated, the fact that they too are growing old). In a matter of time we'll be singing Yesterday Once More.


Internship it is and I'm with ANC for until May 31st (according to the contract). And no I'm not blogging from the newsroom. That would be so unethical. lol
12 days before the Philippine elections and I'm so excited -not just to vote but also about what's going to happen. Until now I'm not sure who to vote for president but it's definitely not the leading candidate.

In choosing the right candidate, we also have to look at the minuses, not just the pluses. Eliminating those who do not have the skills, I simply ask why not to vote for these candidates and weigh these minuses. I don't care how smart the candidate is, although it obviously matters -a lot. But there are some flaws that we could and should not overlook. Candidate this is corrupt to the core; this one has been in office for so long but didn't accomplish anything -so why even vote for them? I don't care if they graduated from all prestigious universities you can think of. If they didn't do anything for such a long time, what makes them think they would do anything now? If they don't have any spine of their own, what makes them think they can stand?

Fine, you're all smart and have held public offices and are popular in surveys. So what?

Good track record + corruption record = NO VOTE FROM ME
No track record + no corruption record = NO VOTE FROM ME
No track record + corruption record = NO VOTE FROM ME
Good track record + no corruption record = YOU MIGHT NOT WIN BUT YOU HAVE MY VOTE

Seriously, I find people narrowing their choices to two simply because they don't want their votes to "go to waste" stupid. It's their choice; the ballot is asking "who do you want to be president?" Binibigyan ka nga ng eight choices, papadikta ka pa sa sabi-sabi. It's like wanting to eat halo-halo in a hot summer day but buying a taho instead because the taho vendor comes to you, unlike the halo-halo.  In the end you don't even finish your taho. The taho is wasted, your time was wasted, you're still not happy. But then again it's our choice to be happy -and that is a different story.

This May 10 I'm voting for who I want to be president. The ballot is asking who I want to be president, not what others want. Vote for who you want.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pink of health, green with envy

From UP just this morning, I was surprised to see men painting the overpass at Katipunan. They were painting green over the pink MMDA footbridge.


Maintenance? The pink paint was in good condition. The footbridge was put up not more than two years ago.


At the other side of the footbridge lay the men's paint and other stuff, including a construction cap with a green sticker that says "Dapat Gibo."

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Summer love is reading heaps of e-books. Done with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Perfume. Next read: The Ebony Tower.

And I plan to review books I read too. Reviews here in my new site.

Hello happy reading summer!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?

I have no idea. Even after reading Philip Dick's novel. But the good guess is no.

Philip K. Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 18Empathy is still something robots/humaniods/androids -whatever you wanna call them- don't have, as far as Dick is concerned with Nexus 6.

In conclusion, humans are still the dominant life form even if some androids become smarter than some humans. Empathy, the ability to feel and feel the same way as others will always be unique to living creatures. Then again it points out that it's not about how smart a creature is, but on how human it/he/she is.

Lesson learned: Intellect is not everything. There's more to this world and that is life. What profit is it for us when we gain the world but don't have/lose the soul? The lesson learned is very similar to the old Little Mermaid story (with the wind maidens at the end of the story).

[But it still differs because Rick Deckard the protagonist is human. Were the story told from the point-of-vie of androids, then that would be something. However the androids in the story and not capable of contemplating and feeling emotions.]

By the end of the story I didn't know what happened to the dead cat and if its owner recognized the new one as a fake. And I wonder what happens to J. R. Isidore the chickenhead -I find his character too interesting. What happened to the other bounty hunter Phil Resch? And how's his squirrel? When will I have my own electric sheep and when will Google come up with a Nexus 6? lol

I still have questions unanswered after reading the book. Which is ok. I love wondering about what happens next.

Will post a decent review at SCRATCHPOST. Next book: Perfume. 

Monday, April 12, 2010

back to civilization!

Been here for more than a week! Haha!

Anyway, to reward myself after sleeping in a tent for seven nights and walking a couple of hundred meters to get to the bathroom, I treated myself with: karaoke-ing and eating grilled food a few hours after arriving, buying myself a new wallet, and putting on nail art.
Yay nail art! My 12-yr-old brother taught me how to apply the nail shiz. Weird how my brother being around five feet, eight inches tall with a bulky built was actually teaching me how to do this girly stuff.

I'll be posting stuff from Isabela. Well, friends have posted pictures and video logs on Facebook anyway. Butbutbut, I want my own posts. A few pictures here.
