How can one brutally kill cats just because he wants to? I myself don't like cats. Sure they're cute - but only if they stay away from me.
For one to kill cats or be a serial cat killer is scary. It's crazy. It's psycho. But to even blog about it?
There must be something wrong with this guy, aside from his being a cat killer, that is. What bothers me is the idea that when one does something bad a crime, isn't he supposed to get rid of all the evidence. To not get caught? Hello? But he even bragged about it in his blog in Multiply. With that, I am deeply bothered.

Right now, advocates of animal rights are after him. He violated the animal welfare act. People are calling for his suspension and even expulsion from school. People (imcluding me) think he has some mental disorder. He mentioned names of some friends, and now they're looking for them too. And of course, he's pop-u-lar now that people know his name, what he did, even his picture's being spread.
I pity all the cats this guy killed. Who knows how many poor kitties suffered from his brutish killings? But more than I pity the cats, I pity the person. It's because I feel (ang feeler ko lang talaga) that this guy has some mental disorder. His life could be, actually it's already in the process of being, ruined.
It's never right to kill animals just because one wants to. Further, this isn't a simple issue of killing cats, but of being able to commit such violence without batting an eyelash. It's brutal, ruthless, psycho, whatever you call it. Psycho serial killers start by killing cats so this case does call for immediate serious action. Take him to a psychiatrist, make him responsible for whatever crime he committed... What's important is that he gets treated with proper medication and rehabilitation. I believe that one can change. In this case, with proper treatment.
We don't need to broadcast to the whole world that this person is heartless. Pure evil. Condemn the act, not the person. (Same as saying hate the smoke, but love the smoker.) Isn't it bad enough he'll be facing charges? Or that he's mentally ill?
I'm no animal rights activist, obviously. I one blogged about a crazy idea that vegetarians might be contributing a great deal to global warming. (And it's not because they're hot, duh.) But of course the blog was a joke. hehe
I salute animal lovers, and those who fight for animal welfare. But I sympathize more with people than with animals. I dunno, am I the only person who finds people more loveable than animals? Well, no. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a soft spot for humans.
So anyway, all I wanted to say, really, is: Take the serial cat killer, have him treated by a psychiatrist. Pero wag nyo namang itrato yung tao na parang demonyo.